Downstream Portal

The Lake King William Downstream Portal works have been completed to allow access and setup for the Joint Venture tunnel. The Downstream Portal provides safe access to the tunnel face 16m below the existing ground surface. 24,000m3 of soil and rock was excavated in stages to reach the tunnel invert depth, with 400+ ground support rock bolts and 1300m2 of fibre-reinforced shotcrete installed to allow the steep batter shape to be supported.

The intake excavation works continue into the lower benches, with the first pre-split blast fired on Tuesday 6th February. To date, ~136,000m3 of soil and ~60,000m3 of rock have been excavated and stockpiled, with ground support rock bolts and fibre-reinforced shotcrete being installed throughout the intake site.


Hazell Bros Tunnelling Solutions Joint Venture (HBTSJV)

The team has established on-site and is preparing for the start of the tunnel contract. Works to date include an electrical substation to supply electricity to the tunnel; construction water system; site office setup; and mobilisation of plant and people.

