Hazell Bros, a company employing over 800 individuals and deeply anchored in family values and community support, acknowledges the profound impact of domestic abuse on countless Australians. In our commitment to combat this tragedy, we have partnered with Lifeline to introduce a domestic abuse awareness program within our organisation.
The primary goal of this program is to foster understanding about domestic abuse: what it entails, how to identify its signs, and how to initiate conversations around this sensitive issue. Additionally, the program aims to equip employees with information on the support services available, both within Hazell Bros and in the broader community, for those affected by domestic abuse.
Participation in this initiative is entirely voluntary, and we are pleased to report that nearly half of our Tasmanian employees have already engaged with the program. We are preparing to extend the rollout to our teams in South Australia and Queensland, shortly.
Hazell Bros takes pride in the proactive involvement of our employees and encourages other employers to collaborate with Lifeline in tailoring similar programs for their own employees. By increasing awareness and understanding of domestic abuse and its warning signs, we believe we can collectively contribute to reducing its prevalence in our communities.
Together, we can make a difference.