Paradise Dam - Package 3 - TMR Road Upgrades

Location Coringa, QLD 4621
Client Sunwater
Head Contractor Hazell Bros (QLD) Pty Ltd
Type of works Roadways
Overall Project Value $14M
Status Current (expected completion mid 2025)


This project involves the upgrading of road intersections and sections along Booyal Dallarnil Road, Paradise Dam Road, and nearby locations to meet the operational and
safety standards required for the main Paradise Dam Improvement Project. The upgrades will include major intersection improvements and associated roadworks, such as pavement reconstruction and drainage enhancements. The works will take place across remote sites, requiring effective traffic management plans due to high-speed rural traffic. The project aims to improve the functionality and safety of key road connections, with works primarily focused on intersection upgrades and road realignments.

Scope of Works:

  • Realignment and pavement reconstruction
  • Embankment widening
  • Improvements to property access
  • Signage and linemarking works
  • Drainage works and drainage structures
  • Intersection improvements, including three major intersections:
    1. Booyal Dallarnil Road and Bruce Highway
    2. Booyal Dallarnil Road and Paradise Dam Road
    3. Gooroolba Biggenden Road
  • Clearing and grubbing
  • General earthworks
  • Pavement construction (unbound and lightly bound)
  • Bitumen sealing works
  • Installation of guardrails
  • Traffic management plans and long-term traffic arrangements