ProjectIntersection upgrade and safety widening Angela Road – Etna Creek Road
LocationAngela Road to Etna Creek Road, Rockhampton QLD
ClientDepartment of Transport and Main Roads
Key worksRoadways
StatusCompleted 2022

The scope of works included widening and reconstruction of 6.1kms of road. Realignment of Greenlakes Road intersection and 640m of new road construction on Dawson Road for realignment of the intersection.

ProjectByron Bay Bypass
LocationByron Bay NSW
ClientByron Shire Council
Key worksRoadways
StatusCompleted 2021

Hazell Bros completed the construction of the town centre bypass to the west of the rail corridor along the Butler Street road reserve in Byron Bay. The Bypass connects the southern and northern ends of the Byron Bay CBD for through-traffic with road corridor approximately 1km long, easing traffic con-gestion within the CBD allowing traffic to flow smoothly.

The scope of works were primarily constructed within the existing developed and undeveloped Butler Street road reserve and consisted of:

Demolition, clearing & grubbing, earthworks including dewatering & soft soil foundation stabilisation, drainage, road pavements and surfacing, kerbing, line marking, concrete medians & roundabout aprons, shared path, signage, fencing, guideposts & bollards, retaining walls, driveways.

ProjectFitzroy Bridge Upgrades
LocationBanana Creek, Callide Creek, Roundstone Creek, and Sandy Creek, QLD
ClientDepartment of Transport and Main Roads
Key worksBridges
StatusCompleted 2023

The scope of works included the demolition of existing timber bridges and construction of 3 new bridge structures and associated roadworks, and the widening of a fourth bridge with approach works.

Banana Creek

Side track construction and replacement of the existing timber bridge at Banana Creek with a 2-span reinforced concrete bridge, with 1km of road widening and upgrades.

Callide Creek

Side track construction and widening of the Callide Creek Bridge structure from 6.7m to 9.2m (between kerbs) and associated approach works, including the reconstruction of the existing pavement with geometric corrections.

Roundstone Creek

Side track construction and replacement of existing timber bridge at Roundstone Creek with a 4-span reinforced concrete bridge structure, flood improvements at the eastern and western overflows adjacent the bridge site as well as an intersection upgrade to Glenmoral Roundstone Rd.

Sandy Creek

Replacement of the existing timber bridge at Sandy Creek with a 3-span reinforced concrete bridge, and associated approach works.

ProjectMount Lindesay Highway – Rosia Road to Stoney Camp Road
LocationPark Ridge South, QLD
ClientDepartment of Transport and Main Roads
Key worksRoadways
StatusCompleted 2020

This project involved widening of a 1.4km section of the high-way from one lane in each direction to two lanes in each di-rection, including associated shoulders, on and off ramp and adjacent bus stop area. Project elements included:

Installation of 38 streetlights (combination of single and double outreach) traffic loops and CCTV cameras

Project Noosaville Landfill Cell Expansion and Cell 1.1 Capping
LocationDoonan, QLD
ClientNoosa Council
Key worksLandfill
StatusCompleted 2022

Characteristics of the works undertaken included, but were not limited to:

Supply and Installation of landscaping, topsoiling, turfing, tree planting and establishment maintenance (13 weeks)

ProjectNorthern Rivers Rail Trail – Murwillumbah to Crabbes Creek Section
LocationMurwillumbah to Crabbes Creek, NSW
ClientTweed Shire Council
Key worksCommunity infrastructure
StatusCompleted 2023

This project incorporated two tunnels (517m long and 50m long), 29 under bridges, multiple culverts and level crossings.

The works included:

Tree/shrub planting and general landscaping

Project Strathpine – Samford Road Route Safety Project
Location Eatons Hill, QLD 4037
Client Department of Transport and Main Roads
Key works Roadways
Status Current @ August 2024

Hazell Bros is working on the Strathpine-Samford Road Route Safety Project, locally known as Eatons Crossing Road and Mount Samson Road. This key road connects Eatons Hill and Samford. The project aims to improve safety and efficiency along the Strathpine-Samford Road corridor. Key elements include signalising major intersections, widening specific road sections, and installing a wide centre line treatment to enhance vehicle separation.

The detailed scope of works includes, but not limited to:

Project Black Mountain Road – Landslide Remedial Works
Location Black Mountain QLD 4563
Client Noosa Shire Council
Key works Roadways, Flood mitigation
Status Current

The landslide, triggered by heavy rainfall in early 2022, spans over 130 meters in width, is as deep as a five-storey building, with a depth movement exceeding 15 meters. Geotechnical investigations confirm it as one of the most significant landslides impacting a road asset in the Noosa and Sunshine Coast region in the last 30 years. Extensive damage lies beneath the surface, requiring a careful restoration process.

Hazell Bros is over half-way through driving 266 steel-lined bored piles, each with a diameter of 900mm, to a depth of up to 25 meters. This includes the installation of some of the largest soil nails currently used in the southern hemisphere. The scale of the project requires an estimated use of 6,000 cubic meters of concrete, equivalent to two and a half Olympic-sized swimming pools, and 800 tonnes of steel.

The comprehensive remediation effort involves:

The recovery works are jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
