Hazell Bros Concrete was awarded the contract for the concrete supply for the New Bridgewater Bridge by McConnel Dowell in 2022. The supply includes the concrete for piles, piers, bridge segments and all other civil works.

We worked closely with QualTech TAS, our NATA accredited testing laboratory who designed some of the most technically challenging concrete mixes to ensure the successful delivery of the project. Hazell Bros Concrete will supply / (has supplied) in excess of 47,000m3 of concrete for the entire project (approximately 120,000 tonnes).

Key Highlights for the Concrete Supply:

This project is a prime example of Hazell Bros’ vertically integrated business model, showcasing the seamless collaboration between our Concrete, Quarry, and Transport divisions, as well as our testing laboratory, QualTech TAS. It also highlights the successful partnership between the head contractor and subcontractor, working together to deliver an iconic, high-quality outcome.


2025 sees Hazell Bros engaging 16 new apprentices across our Automotive, Fabrication, Quarries and Civil Construction areas. This group consists of a mix of 7 first-time apprentices, 2 continuing apprentices joining Hazell Bros from another organisation and 7 dual traders embarking on their second apprenticeship with Hazell Bros.

Our people are our most important assets, growing the capability of our existing staff as well as welcoming new talent into the business ensures that Hazell Bros continues to grow and succeed throughout the future generations.


Members of the Hazell Bros Team Preparing for Media Interviews

Members of the Hazell Bros Team with Lifeline Program Manager

Hazell Bros, a company employing over 800 individuals and deeply anchored in family values and community support, acknowledges the profound impact of domestic abuse on countless Australians. In our commitment to combat this tragedy, we have partnered with Lifeline to introduce a domestic abuse awareness program within our organisation.

The primary goal of this program is to foster understanding about domestic abuse: what it entails, how to identify its signs, and how to initiate conversations around this sensitive issue. Additionally, the program aims to equip employees with information on the support services available, both within Hazell Bros and in the broader community, for those affected by domestic abuse.

Participation in this initiative is entirely voluntary, and we are pleased to report that nearly half of our Tasmanian employees have already engaged with the program. We are preparing to extend the rollout to our teams in South Australia and Queensland, shortly.

Hazell Bros takes pride in the proactive involvement of our employees and encourages other employers to collaborate with Lifeline in tailoring similar programs for their own employees. By increasing awareness and understanding of domestic abuse and its warning signs, we believe we can collectively contribute to reducing its prevalence in our communities.

Together, we can make a difference.

See WIN News Clip


Hazell Bros is pleased to announce that it has recently been awarded the Road Upgrades and Civil Construction Works – Package 3 project for Sunwater. This contract focuses on essential improvements across several key sites:
• Booyal Dallarnil Road between Bruce Highway and Paradise Dam Road
• Paradise Dam Road Section 1 (Chainage 0 – 480m)
• Intersection of Booyal Dallarnil Road and Stanton Harcourt Road
• Intersection of Gooroolba Biggenden Road, Muan Road, and Coringa Road (Degilbo)
• Intersection of Gooroolba Biggenden Road, Seccombes Road, Emu Creek Road, and Coringa Road (Degilbo)

The scope includes realignment, pavement reconstruction, embankment widening, and upgrades to property access, signage, linemarking, and drainage. These upgrade works are part of a broader program to enhance the safety, efficiency, and durability of the road network leading to Paradise Dam, in preparation for the Paradise Dam Improvement Project.

We look forward to construction commencing very soon. Stay tuned for updates on our progress as we work on this crucial project to improve road safety and functionality for the local community.

Read more about this project here:

Six slips sites, $5m and 42 weeks sees Bilambil – Urliup Road open

Earlier this month Hazell Bros Concrete had a milestone achievement by pouring a pile that’s claimed by McConnell Dowell (Head Contractor) as the deepest drilled pile in the southern hemisphere as part of the new Bridgewater Bridge Project. The pile had an overall depth of 90m with a 2.4m diameter. We had a continuous pour for 10 hours and supplied 426m3 (71 truckloads) of concrete to this single pile which is equivalent to 1,100 tonnes of concrete.

The supply was fulfilled by utilizing our two concrete batch plants at Bridgewater and ten agitator trucks with a direct team effort of 15 concrete workers and 4 QualTech testers. The pile utilised one of the most technically challenging concrete mixes that was designed in conjunction with QualTech. The whole 71 truck loads that went to this pile were both visually and physically assessed for their compliance.

As a risk mitigation, before commencement of the pour, the stockpiles and cement storage were at its maximum of 600 tonnes of aggregate and over 400 tonnes of cementitious materials respectively, and during the pour day we had received 7 tankers of cementitious material (157 tonnes) and around 450 tonnes of aggregates from our quarry.

Great team effort and collaboration between Concrete, Quarry, Transport and QualTech, a true example of vertically integrated management model of Hazell Bros!

Hazell Bros is proud to be part of the New Bridgewater Bridge project, one of the most recent significant infrastructure projects delivered in Tasmania. Hazell Bros, in conjunction with its affiliated testing laboratory QualTech TAS, has designed a technically challenging concrete mix for this project. Engaged by lead contractor McConnell Dowell, Hazell Bros will provide nearly 120,000 tonnes of concrete to the project.

Hazell Bros is pleased to announce that it has again been named one of the nine leading private Australian companies recognised for outstanding business performance in Deloitte Australia’s 2023 Best Managed Companies awards.

Hazell Bros is honoured to have the hard work we have put into our strategy, approach to innovation, and capabilities recognised externally by Deloitte and the Best Managed Companies judges in this way.

Now in its fourth year – and run in association with Google Cloud and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia – the Best Managed Companies program identifies and celebrates privately owned and managed companies across Australia that set high standards of business performance, and shines a light on the power of private businesses as innovators and major contributors to Australia’s economy. The program’s independent judges challenged and evaluated the strengths of the applicants across four key pillars: strategy; culture and commitment; capabilities and innovation; and governance and financials.


Photo L-R: Michael Hazell, Damien Bones (Deloitte Australia), Geoffrey Hazell

On Friday 15 March, Hazell Bros hosted a corporate charity golf day at the Kingston Beach Golf Club to raise funds for the Mind Games which is a profit-for-purpose company that is focused on workplace mental health. It exists to raise funds for workplace mental health research and create a positive impact in the workplace by giving corporate teams an opportunity to have fun together. All proceeds raised in The Mind Games 2024 will fund research through the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research, supporting mental health research.

We had a fabulous day raising in excess of $23,000 for the Menzies Institute.

30 corporate sponsors were involved, providing teams, hole sponsorships and prizes. We had 17 corporate teams of 4 playing who thoroughly enjoyed the glorious weather.

Downstream Portal

The Lake King William Downstream Portal works have been completed to allow access and setup for the Joint Venture tunnel. The Downstream Portal provides safe access to the tunnel face 16m below the existing ground surface. 24,000m3 of soil and rock was excavated in stages to reach the tunnel invert depth, with 400+ ground support rock bolts and 1300m2 of fibre-reinforced shotcrete installed to allow the steep batter shape to be supported.

The intake excavation works continue into the lower benches, with the first pre-split blast fired on Tuesday 6th February. To date, ~136,000m3 of soil and ~60,000m3 of rock have been excavated and stockpiled, with ground support rock bolts and fibre-reinforced shotcrete being installed throughout the intake site.


Hazell Bros Tunnelling Solutions Joint Venture (HBTSJV)

The team has established on-site and is preparing for the start of the tunnel contract. Works to date include an electrical substation to supply electricity to the tunnel; construction water system; site office setup; and mobilisation of plant and people.

