Hazell Bros Concrete was awarded the contract for the concrete supply for the New Bridgewater Bridge by McConnel Dowell in 2022. The supply includes the concrete for piles, piers, bridge segments and all other civil works.
We worked closely with QualTech TAS, our NATA accredited testing laboratory who designed some of the most technically challenging concrete mixes to ensure the successful delivery of the project. Hazell Bros Concrete will supply / (has supplied) in excess of 47,000m3 of concrete for the entire project (approximately 120,000 tonnes).
Key Highlights for the Concrete Supply:
This project is a prime example of Hazell Bros’ vertically integrated business model, showcasing the seamless collaboration between our Concrete, Quarry, and Transport divisions, as well as our testing laboratory, QualTech TAS. It also highlights the successful partnership between the head contractor and subcontractor, working together to deliver an iconic, high-quality outcome.
The Local Government Project of the Year category recognises the completion of a stage of a local government project, or complete project delivery, that has been delivered with demonstrably positive results in the areas of budget, safety, social target and sustainability.
The Northern Rivers Rail Trail – Murwillumbah to Crabbes Creek is a 24-kilometre-long active transport corridor through the Tweed Shire LGA. The repurposing of the railway represented an opportunity to preserve a significant body of local and state heritage that had been deteriorating each year since its decommissioning in 2004. Delivered under a design and construct model, Hazell Bros worked closely with NSW Public Works and Tweed Shire Council to provide a social and economic benefit to residents, businesses and tourists. The project is the first section of the 130-kilometre Northern Rivers Rail Trail, which once complete, will stretch from Murwillumbah to Casino through Tweed, Byron, Lismore and Richmond Valley. Ensconced in the scenic Tweed Valley, the environmental challenges were great, but the quality of the finished project is a veritable success as attested to by both stakeholders and current users.
Hazell Bros was founded by former Kingborough Mayor Donald Hazell and his brother Rowley in 1944. Hazell Bros has been a key employer and supporter of the Kingborough community for almost 80 years. Hazell Bros currently employs some 600 people across Tasmania; 50 staff support the HBMI Leslie Vale quarry operation.
The Hazell family, as long-term residents of Kingborough, as well as employers of many local families, has a vested interest in the continued sustainability of the region, ensuring that as an organisation it does what is right for the natural environment and the community.
Hazell Bros and the HBMI Leslie Vale quarry support various local community organisations, projects and initiatives to help build the infrastructure required to meet the needs of this fast-growing area of Tasmania. Hazell Bros has lodged an application to increase the production capacity of the HBMI Leslie Vale quarry to ensure it can continue to support the growth of Southern Tasmania for years to come
The HBMI Quarry – Hazell Bros has operated a quarry on the HBMI Leslie Vale site since 1978. The quarry is located within the 695Ha site, producing various types and sizes of aggregates, engineered pavement materials and landscaping stone.
Project Scope – To double the maximum annual capacity from 1 million tonnes to 2 million tonnes. Around 71 ha (10%) of the entire site is currently impacted by quarry operations. Under the new development, this will increase to 162ha (23%) of the total Mining Lease area.
Project Vision –The aim is to “future-proof” the quarry site for potential major projects – roads, home development, causeways etc. Hazell Bros expects its operation to remain constant, at less than 1 million tonnes annually. However, the proposed expansion will provide Hazell Bros with the flexibility to respond to the market demands of Southern Tasmania for the next 100 years. This is also an opportunity to keep the quarry footprint on one site, minimising overall impact but allowing increased production if and when required.
Timeline – Hazell Bros is in consultation with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) on a range of reports, in preparation for submission of the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project. This will then be assessed by the EPA and the final EIS will be released and advertised for public consultation and feedback.
Public Consultation – Hazell Bros is engaging in public consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, including neighbours of the HBMI Leslie Vale quarry site and the local first nations community.
Environmental Values - Hazell Bros is working with the State Government (EPA Tasmania) and the Commonwealth Government (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water) with the focus of protecting Matters of National Environmental Significance now and for the future. Hazell Bros is committed to ensuring the protection of the environment in all areas of our operations by:
Indigenous Heritage – Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania has considered the proposal and found it will not impact matters of indigenous heritage. Hazell Bros will continue to consult with the local first nations community.
To register for future updates when available, please email: leslievalequarry@hazellbros.com.au
We attended the Civil Contractors Federation - Tasmania 2023 Earth Awards for Excellence in Civil Construction and were honoured to be the winners of the category for 'Project Value $30M to $75M' for our Tasman Hwy, Hobart Airport Interchange project.
Thank you and congratulations to all our workers involved in this project!